I LOVE SWEAT…….hell yeah..



A dream doesn’t became reality through magic ; it takes sweat determination and hard work 



Sunday morning and everybody fast asleep , of course the after effects of saturday night party are visible around the globe no matter which ever place you belong to . And I in INDIA woke up at 3 am today went out for my morning run and then after 8 miles of running , heavily sweating , I asked myself … WHY to take so much pain ?? WHY to sweat on SUNDAYS ??? WHY to work so hard when others are sleeping comfortably in their bed ??

Then I took out my phone and checked out some of my previous pics near about six months back , when I used to weight 220 pounds , heavy and deformed . Then I looked into the mirror , sweat coming out from all parts of my body, and I saw a well chiseled body weighing 152 pounds and wanting more and more of hard work to get even in a more better shape . And then I smile , as I found my answer . I found the reason why to work so hard . I found the answer of all my questions. I found out that why I love HARD WORK. One thing which attracts me towards HARD WORK is that it do pay off .

If you are doing hard work for a very long time and you think that you are not getting any reward out of it , don’ t worry the reward is going to be bigger than what you have thought of . Hard work never disappoints any one . It does not discriminate among individuals . Who ever does it gets the reward .

When you go to gym or for a run , you choose HARD WORK over COMFORT . When sweat trickles down through your body while you are standing after rigorous exercises , you feel most comfortable . You feel relaxed than ever . You feel contended . You feel proud of your self to do something and do it great . Sweating does not only mean you have burned your calories . Sweating means you have burned all forms of laziness within you , it means you are willing to go beyond your limits , it means you are ready to challenge to the world and to scream out your presence to every one out there .

If you are ready to sweat , give whatever it takes to reach you goals then you leave behind all those men and women you are smarter than you , you leave all those behind who have more intelligence than you or who are supposed to have more I.Q level than yours . So once you sweat hard for any thing you wanna achieve and keep on doing it for hours , days , months , years till you get what you want then you not only answer your critics , those you never believed in you , but according to me you make your CRITICS GO SILENT . And believe me  SILENCE IS GOLDEN .

So are you ready to sweat hard for your dreams and SILENT YOUR CRITICS ????

I have dream !!!! INTERESTINGLY I KNOW THE DATE , when it will be accomplished

Poetic Sense - Dream (Wall) (1)


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams



Difference comes in the way you approach your dreams when you realize the difference between simply wishing of something  on the other hand having a burning desire to get that  . You begin to change your inner self when you change your statement from I WANT TO DO THAT   to  I WILL DO THAT . Most people never achieve their dreams because they consider their dream to be superior than  their will of attaining it . They always say that I WISH TO DO THAT , but its next to IMPOSSIBLE .

I believe in the concept of SPEAKING INTO EXISTENCE . I am not afraid of announcing the dates , I am going to reach my next target . I am able to do it because it is not that I wish to reach to my target rather I know I will reach my target and when I am sure about it ,  I am in a state of announcing a date . I do it every time and I must tell you all that I  reach my goal within that specific period of time .

Do you think its some magic ??  No , its not . It is the difference between those people who remain unsuccessful in their lives and those who achieve success in which ever field they want . YOU have to cut down all your bridges if you want to achieve something . There should not be any PLAN B just in case PLAN A fails . By making a PLAN B or by searching an alternate remedy you are inviting failure in  your very first attempt .  If you are not sure about PLAN A then first take some time that whether you have to ultimately do it or not .

The decision might take some time . But its ok , their should be a constant search for your soul purpose , and once you decide what you have to do , then do not think anything else no matter what others say .  You have to have the desire for that thing AS BAD AS YOU WANT TO BREATHE !!! This is only possible when you do not any give your own self any chance to fail .

Let me tell you a short story . Once a warrior determine to defeat his enemy ,  reached with his men to the shores of enemy’s territory . The enemy’s army was hundred times bigger in number than the warrior’s , but he has faith and a burning desire to defeat that army with the few men he had . He knew he can not forecast his success unless he made sure that each and every men he had in his army knew only one thing and that was , either you win or you die . In order to do so as he landed on the shores he asked his soldiers to burn all their ships , so that any chance of their rescue ends there . After doing so he said to his army “If you want to return back alive there is only one option , and that is to defeat your enemy else you all will die ” . THEY WON . They do not have any second thought  .

When your mind reaches such a state  , you too will be able to forecast the date of your victories . In any goal I make , small or big , I make sure that i do not have any second way out . I burn all  my bridges . I make just one plan and stick to it . Then when i am sure about my goal and my plan then I assign a date to it and this builds a positive pressure and I have to do it some way or the other . This helps me not to procrastinate things and i eventually reach my goals before time . I know PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest reasons why most of you never achieve what you have once desired for . Secondly the FEAR OF FAILURE may also be one of the reasons you cannot step into your dreams .

If you just talk about these two main hurdles , then take my advice . ANNOUNCE THE DATE you will be reaching your target . Make sure that you tell your dream and the date to as many as you can and then just start with a plan . You may miss the date by a month or two , in the first few attempts but believe me once you are addicted to this date thing it will be fun to set a target and then a date of its completion and then watching the world how they wonder seeing you achieving your DREAMS ON TIME 😉





 The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt 



How many of you like SURPRISES ??  Yeah i can see almost everyone reading this , raising their hands and saying  “I LIKE SURPRISES” .On this  I just want to say BULLSHIT !!!!!!! 

You all do not like surprises , you all just like GOOD SURPRISES and so does everyone . The bad surprises which occur more often in our lives our termed as PROBLEMS . But today I want to tell you all that those BAD SURPRISES are the opportunities specially designed for you by GOD . These are the TURNING POINT in men’s life . Talk about any great man ever existed in history , go through his life and you will find that they always posses the qualities of being a great man but there was a breakthrough point in their lives which just help them to realize the correct use of those qualities .

MAHATMA  GANDHI could never have been so great if  he has not embraced the bad surprises and the pain life offered him. As a lawyer he was doing good and he always had those qualities within him . But when he was thrown away from a train just because of the race he belongs to , definitely a bad surprise , he decided to change things . If he had taken that bad surprise as a part of life and had not recognized that it is an opportunity provided by GOD to do something significant , he would have not rebel against those policemen .

STEVE JOBS thrown out of his company at an age of 30 , MOTHER TERESA saw a leper and decided not to serve the monastery but to serve the needy people around , NELSON MANDELA’s father died at an early age and he was adopted , there are many such stories and incidents which happened in great people’s life and they quickly recognized that its the GOD’s call to change the pattern within yourself and reflect that change in your surroundings .

SO do not fail to respond when life hits you , because it will definitely do and it will hit you hard . But realize that there something which GOD wants from you , there is a purpose you are born on earth leaving behind 40 million sperms in race. Every difficulty is an opportunity and every time you face that difficulty you become strong . The turning points in your life will never come when you are driving on a straight road following the path which others have followed for a long time . When you choose to create your own destiny and you move an an entirely new path then only you would face some TURNING POINTS .

So when you face difficulties in life , do not get angry and scream  WHY ME ?? instead change the tone and utter these words slowly in your heart and try to find out answer to the question           WHY……ME ??




Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s COURAGE 



How many of you live your life the way you have imagined in your teenage ??  How many of you have fulfilled all your dreams or at least working towards making them become reality ?? Are you able to tell your weaknesses to everyone ??  Or you are afraid of the change in your nearby environment once your weakness are exposed . Are you able to tell your strengths to everyone ?? Or you are still not sure about them .

Many such questions sometimes leave a thought in our minds that something is wrong . What is that  something , which is  missing  in us and which is possessed by those who get  valuable success in their lives . Why most of us live a life as decided by our bosses or family requirements or our personnel requirements where as some live a life on their own terms .

The answer is simple , its the amount of COURAGE you have in yourself which decides your fate .

Do you have the COURAGE to tell everyone … HEY I WOULD BE ………….. IN MY LIFE .

Do you have the COURAGE to scream to the world… THE GAME IS NOT OVER , BECAUSE I HAVE NOT WON IT YET .

Do you have the COURAGE to tell your enemy , critics and people against you ….. YES  THIS IS THE AREA I AM WEAK IN / THIS IS MY     WEAKNESS ….. BUT I WILL STILL BEAT YOU AND THE NEXT TIME I WILL BE DONE WITH MY WEAKNESSES..

Do you have the COURAGE to smile when you face a failure , recognize your weaknesses, accept that your opponent was strong and the  get ready to prepare hard for the next time and tell your opponent….DUDE IT WOULD BE TOUGHER NEXT TIME .

COURAGE is something which can be developed by overcoming our fears one by one , fighting through our failures , doing things we want to do even though when no one else believes in us and doing all such things which makes us strong .

COURAGE to do a difficult thing is half way done to your task , and now you just have to start it with a smile because you know no matter what the circumstances would be I will reach to places I have wished for .

COURAGE to do anything regardless of the difficulties which will come in your path , helps you to overcome the FEAR OF TIME . Those who are afraid of time , are the ones who do not have  COURAGE to convince themselves that sooner or later they will be reaching to heights they have always wished to achieve .

To be courageous does not mean you would never be afraid of somethings , but it means that when other change their paths , dreams or goals when they came across things they are afraid of , YOU move on step by step , with fear in your eyes , closer to your goals every day , every hour , every minute , and every second . AND when you reach your goals .. you say to your  fears HELL YEAH I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 





“Life consists in what a man thinks all day” 

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mediocrity is one of the biggest hurdle , which a common youth face nowadays . The problem is not that we  AIM TOO HIGH AND MISS , BUT WE AIM TOO LOW AND HIT . Earning anything above normal living standards is considered to be everything nowadays. Each and every one of us have immense potential within us . The problem is when we say that some thing is BIG or UNACHIEVABLE or IMPOSSIBLE , we make our minds believe that we our incapable of  doing those things and thus we never do.

Fear of failure is another reason which stops us from thinking big . When we think something really worthy and really difficult to achieve we tend to associate that thing with people surrounding us , our friends , family, and we realize that our dreams or goals are almost impossible and nobody we know had ever did it . We quickly come to the conclusion that if we too go for those dreams and goals we will FAIL . This is where the story ends . My friends FAIL IS NOT A FAILURE , UNTIL YOU QUIT . The reason for many of us not reaching our goals is not that we make an attempt for something near to impossible and we fail , but the reason for not doing so is because when we fail once we QUIT without trying it for the second , third or the forth time .

Thinking big all the time fills you with immense energy and imagining yourself making those dreams come true , rekindle the spirit within you . I am not saying that you should day dream or you should just dream big all day . I am saying that when you dream BIG you get an internal force which pushes you to make that first small step which is usually the most difficult one . PROCRASTINATION leads to an unsuccessful life but when someone dream big and sees himself achieving those dreams , than he do not delay the first step .

‘It’s possible’ , this is probably the most powerful phrase ever written . Say it to yourself whenever you think of your dreams and say it everyday . You will feel confident about yourself and you will work hard to make them come true .

Be phenomenal or Be forgotten !!!!!