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One opportunity is ALL what  you need…. to create HISTORY…….

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to liberate yourself from MISERY

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to sweat HARD beneath the SUN….

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to WORK hard until you are DONE….

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to  SILENT your CRITICS…

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to  CHARGE  your spirits…

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to show how tough YOU can be….

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to turn your dreams into REALITY

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to cry when you WIN…

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to feel your heartbeat DEEP in…

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to mark your existence on EARTH..

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to SCREAM what you WORTH...

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to  everyone believe in YOU…

One opportunity is All what you need…. to tell everyone that all your IMAGINATIONS were TRUE…

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to GIVE REWARD to your sleepless NIGHTS

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to show the courage you have INSIDE….

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to fuel the desire to PROGRESS

One opportunity is ALL what you need…. to struggle to get some SUCCESS



I got mine….WHAT ABOUT YOU ???

I am not QUITTING…….

Hi  everyone ,

Sorry for not posting stuff for the past few days . It was like I was in search of some panacea or something like that which could get me in a comfortable position so that I could go forward to live my dreams . I was willing to work hard , spending sleepless nights embracing my dreams , sweating hard to look like what I wanted to be but after doing all these stuff too I still felt every night that I could have given more if  the conditions had been  little favorable .

But very quickly I realized that the situations will never change . Human tendency will make us inclined towards things we want . Let it be luxuries , love , sex , relationships , money , family , fame  or anything  the list is never-ending . Now my goal is to set a balance between these two state of minds .

One which guides us towards our goals ,pushes us every time we feel lazy and reminds us about our reasons for working hard . And another which focuses on things which are materialistic. Now you can’t ignore any one of them.

If your dreams are great then they will require time to become reality and so you have to be very patient . The materialistic things will some times make you think that all the sufferings you are going through , all the sacrifices you are making , all those are of no use if you cannot enjoy your life .

But friends on that note I would like to advice you ,  just be calm and have faith in your dreams and take pleasure in every moment of pain you go through in your journey towards your dreams  . Feel happy every time you make sacrifices for your dreams . The pursuit of happiness in achieving your dreams , for which you have worked day and night , is precious than any other materialistic happiness this globalized world can provide you .

So be happy , be motivated , and every day you sleep make an effort to be a step closer towards your dreams …..